Green schools for all in this generation.
At the Center for Green Schools, we believe that all students deserve to attend schools that value their health, their future, and the future of the planet. Our vision is for all schools to be integrated models of sustainability for their students, teachers, and community. When we move toward this vision, communities and individuals, regardless of race or socioeconomic status, have the opportunity to be healthy and thrive—physically, socially, and economically. We believe modeling sustainability through green schools encourages collective action to regenerate natural resources and protect the wellbeing of all people. Our mission is to support and train those implementing sustainability within school systems to be the most effective change agents they can be, through professional development, peer networks, research, and advocacy.
Understanding the unique challenges and needs faced by pre-K-12 schools and districts, the Center for Green Schools also supports green school efforts by offering a free first year of USGBC membership to schools and districts, which gives them access to educational opportunities and a community of green building experts.